Tough Times Make Us Brighter and Better!


Hard times are like a washing machine.

They twist, turn and knock us around.

But in the end, we come out cleaner,

brighter and better than before!

                                   – Anonymous


 Tough Times Ahead

Many people agree that these next four years are critical for Glenwood Springs. But not only will they be critical — lets face it — they are going to be downright tough!   But that is what I love about the quote above. Once we get through the wringer,  Glenwood will emerge brighter and better than before.

The Glenwood Post Independent ran an “Our View” column yesterday that illustrated many reasons Glenwood is going to face some tough times and why this election is crucial.I am running for the At-Large seat for City Council and I absolutely agree!  GPI stated, traffic and transportation are at the top of the list. Traffic and transportation are huge, but we can’t address it as a singular issue.

 It’s Complicated . . .

Glenwood Springs is like a fine tapestry, with many things woven together to make a wonderful design. It is complex and beautiful. But it is all interconnected.  For example, changes in transportation can impact land use.  Changes in land use impact potential development.  Development impacts the economy. The economy impacts sales tax revenue . . . and on and on and on.

It is for this reason that the issues that Glenwood faces are so critical . . . and so complex.

Looking forward to the discussions

As a candidate, I look forward to exploring and discussing these issues over then next few weeks.  Top among the issues will be the Grand Avenue Bridge and the never-ending bypass/alternate route debate.   However, I hope that we can also delve into some other issues that impact our economy, our businesses and our ability to move forward including:

  •             Encouraging economic growth and supporting our businesses
  •             Cultivating local and regional partnerships
  •             Creating exceptional community places
  •             Honoring and preserving our history while moving toward a better future
  •             Connecting people, transportation, businesses and government to get things done.

 Glenwood Needs Decision Makers

The column in the GPI also illustrated, even if it did not come out and say it . . . that Glenwood needs decision makers.  It needs leaders that are not afraid to be innovative, and make those tough choices. Government gets bogged down too often in paralysis by analysis at a huge cost to citizens in the form of tax dollars and other resources wasted.  Lets end that now. I have worked in government and participated enough that I understand what it takes to get things done.  It also makes it perfectly clear what must change, and that  change is needed.